This is the fine (fine) print. Get out your magnifying glasses...1
The Administrator/owner of this website and content is hereafter referred to as Voices.
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Although Voices assumes that everyone will understand that the information on this site is intended to foster knowledge expansion among the genealogy and family history community, other sites have these fancy disclaimers, so here goes:
- Copyright: Voices is licensed under My Free Copyright, as well as under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, owned and administered by the Administrator/Owner of this blog and website, Voices.
- Content: Voices is responsible for the content of this site, not including visitor comments or the content of individual contributors. Voices does not reflect the personal views and opinions of Voices although they are one and the same.
- Credit: Contributors to this blog and website should always give proper credit to content sources. As a site focused on genealogy, we all know the importance of citations and attributions. If you feel you or another source needs an attribution, please contact Voices. No one likes a plagiarist.
- Accuracy and Validity: Believe it or not, people make mistakes from time to time. Voices' contributors strive to make facts and information as accurate as possible. In addition, Voices is a work in progress. The world is an ever-changing place, which means that content can become outdated quickly. While we hope to avoid having outdated material on this site, we can’t guarantee that everything is timely, so don’t rely on the timeliness or accuracy of the information at Voices.
- Images: You can assume that any images on this blog/website that are not attributed to someone else are presumed to be owned by, and are the sole property of, the contributor. If you would like to use an image, be sure to ask – and say pretty please with strawberries and ice cream on top.
- Comments: Voices is not responsible for any comments made by contributors in the Discussion pages. However Voices will exercise its right to moderate and edit comments which are deemed to be offensive, childish or just plain dumb.
- Liability: As a reader, you will not hold Voices liable for libel (say that three times fast) or defamation in its content. The content of Voices is built through the content of its contributors. In addition, there is no intention to do harm by hosting content at Voices. The content at Voices is not to be taken as fact nor absolute. If people use the information and somehow are injured, Voices is not to be held responsible. The sites that Voices links to via hyperlinks are not under its control. Those sites are responsible for the content of those sites. The sun, the moon and the rotation of the Earth are not under Voices' control either. We’re working on it, but don’t hold your breath, and don’t try to make us responsible for other sites, bad weather, global warming or any malady that befalls you.
The intent of this blog is to foster information sharing within the genealogical community and those interested in exploring their genealogical roots. The tone of this blog and website are to be constructive, informative and useful for the audience, and common courtesy is expected. Quite simply, if you wouldn't want your mother and grandmother to read it, don't write it.
Users of this site agree to be bound by the Voices community code of conduct, as well as the rules of Blogger/Blogspot which hosts this blog. In addition, your use is an acknowledgement that you have read and accepted the guidelines and terms of service of this blog.
Voices reserves the right to remove or edit content considered inappropriate, including, but not limited to (1) discussions or descriptions of criminal acts, (2) discussions or descriptions of violent acts, (3) harassment, (4) offensive material, (5) personal privacy violations, (6) profanity, (7) racist or bigoted speech, (8) sexually explicit content, (9) threats, (10) unlicensed copyrighted material, and (11) any other material deemed inappropriate by Voices.
Whew. Now we've done the rule thing. Aren’t you glad we got that out of the way? Rest your eyes for a little bit and get back to the business of blogging about genealogy and family history.
© 2011 Voices
1. I didn't come up with all this stuff myself. Credit belongs to GeneaBloggers & Thomas MacEntee, whose Copyright Statement, Terms of Service & Disclaimers are copyrighted (2011) under a a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Voices has borrowed heavily from, and modified the “fine print” of GeneaBloggers.